Saturday, January 19, 2008

In the middle of rehearsals yesterday, a concerned voice was heard through some speaker in the studio.

"We have an actor stuck in an elevator. I repeat, we have an actor stuck in an elevator. Please help."

OK, I'm not sure there was an actual plea for help. Though the friendly voice was concerned.

Kristina Watt, poor thing, was trapped. She was in there for an hour I think. She was fine of course but it reminded me of the old GCTC and the well known bathroom that Mary Ellis (and likely countless others) got stuck in. It was a nice reminder, despite the unfortunate nature of the incident.

Gotta run, rehearsals are starting.

My first week into rehearsals
It has been one week since we've started rehearsing for The Optimists. And I am finally getting to this blog. A week late. Not very optimistic of me, I suppose, if you've been expecting to read about how things are going. Or it could just be me being putting things off. Which is not very optimistic, I know.But I have to say after week one of rehearsals, things feel great. I couldn't ask for a nicer and more talented group of actors to work with. As for the director, well....I am kidding of course. Charlie is fantastic, the theatre is fantastic, the stage management is fantastic, the entire crew and front-of-house staff is fantastic. There. Put that in your optimistic pipe and smoke it.Week two is upon us and I really hope we don't screw things up.
Posted by Michael Mancini at 6:51 AM